Energy sources and technological aspects – professional module

About Course
The purpose of the module ‘Energy Sources and Technological Aspects’ is to provide the student with a clear vision of the main energy generation alternatives that could be used by an Energy Community. These include both thermal production (Heat Pumps, Biomass, Biogas or Solar Thermal) and electrical production (Solar Photovoltaic, Wind or Hydroelectric) showing at each moment which are their advantages and determining factors of the technological selection, the principles of operation, the quantification of the resource or the environmental impacts. In addition, the importance of energy storage for the energy-economic optimisation of installations, the options that can be used and how energy management systems are key to maximising economic returns are also addressed.
Course Content
Topic 1 – Electrical Sources
Photovoltaic energy
17:54 -
Wind energy
17:07 -
Hydroelectric energy